
Victorian Pineapple Crochet Coaster Pattern

Pineapple crochet patterns are seriously fun because you know they'll turn out beautiful. Let's incorporate the beauty of pineapple crochet in your home - on dainty looking but serious working coasters.

This is seriously just the first of more to come in the arena of coasters. As I continue working on the remodel of Luxe Domestique (ohhh I'm dying to show off some of the projects but they're not quite ready to do so yet!) I've been obsessed with the silly task of picking the perfect serving set. You know, the whole matching placemats and napkins and coasters thing ... there will be chopstick envelopes too because it fits in with our plans. The problem is deciding which pattern is exactly the one I want.

So in the meantime I'm creating coaster sets in my black and white base colors for the house and am keeping them carefully stored dust-free until I can decide.

And you get to benefit from my inability to decide on which coaster I want to crochet! This is the first in what I can't even begin to estimate will be the number in the series. Look out all dear friends who are moving ... you're about to have housewarming gifts!

I tried to hold this in the light where the pineapple clusters show off in a bloom.

The bloom shows better here. You can choose matching or contrasting borders, fronts, and backs to these coasters.

Since they're made in thread, these coasters are double-thick but you hardly notice.

In use with one of my favorite glasses and tea lovingly made by my daughter. What would I do without her?

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