
DIY Victorian Wedding Bouquet: The Blushing Blue Bride Bouquet

When Yahoo first approached me about writing a guide on creating your own wedding bridal bouquet, I was terrified. My first wedding was very Celtic down to a handfasting ribbon so there were no bouquets - roses were handed to the women in attendance instead!

But I so wanted to do this. It was a challenge. And it involved flowers. So after some research, I came up with several designs and the one I was most proud of and am sharing today was the Blushing Blue Bride Bouquet. It does have a companion article for the bridesmaid bouquets and for boutonnieres that I just had to write because the bouquet deserved beautiful accompaniment.

Why my favorite, you might ask? Because this bridal bouquet can incorporate everything, as a recent gift of this bouquet to one of my best friends for her wedding revealed. Remember the old saying: Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue. So for this version, I incorporated the beautiful blues in flower choices as described in the article, used vintage lace ribbon (it took several layers to fully cover the background) for something old, and wrapped a necklace that I consistently wear given to me by my boyfriend as something borrowed. Something new? Well, the creation itself is new - so are every pin, every flower, and every grin you'll receive.

In this article, we're going to design the Blushing Blue Bride Bouquet and I'll lead you from start-to-finish in the creation of a Victorian DIY bouquet you'll treasure for years to come.

The finished bridal bouquet in the specific arrangement I chose.

The corsage pins used to attach the ribbon create a fantastic look - make sure they're spaced evenly, though.

These Victorian boutonniers and bridesmaid bouquets will make a splash with their elegant simplicity and grace.

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