
The Complete Internet Guide to the Tunisian Crochet Stitch

Everything You Will Ever Need to Know About the Tunisian Crochet Stitch - All Online

Tunisian Crochet is stunning in lighter weight yarns that offer more 'give' than thicker yarns.
Photo Copyright: ukapala
Anyone that knows me well can tell you one thing for sure: I'm avid about crochet. From the sketches for future pattern ideas that litter my crochet coffee table to the piles of skeins of yarn in varying weights and colors spilling out from beneath it, you can't miss one of my passionate hobbies.

The hard thing about crochet is simply learning the techniques and finding quality patterns. For most of us, the joy behind crochet is creation - but since it's a hobby for many, we don't always have a ton of money to spend on books teaching the coolest patterns or latest stitches. So we scour the internet, and it can be a frustrating search.

I've tried doing daily freebies before and failed so I will say this: I will post crochet freebies as often as I can. These are articles that I am not being paid for, but would very much like to share with you.

You are welcome to share more freebies in the comments - please keep them on-topic, though

Crochet Freebie: All About the Tunisian Crochet Stitch

The Tunisian Crochet Stitch often goes by a couple of other names: Tunisian Knit Stitch and Afghan Stitch.

Often called a knit or afghan stitch, the Tunisian Crochet Stitch is so called because it resembles a knitted stocking (stockinette) stitch that is nearly identical to the look of knitting. Some people go so far as to refer to the technique as 'knitting with a crochet hook'; while the finished fabric does resemble a knit piece, it has less stretch and is considerably thicker than a truly knit piece would have.

However, this is a beloved stitch to have in your crochet stitch repertoire because it does create such clean, knitted looking pieces. Just remember to go light on the weight of your yarn.

Happy crocheting and I'll be back with a new 'set' of crochet goodies soon!

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