
Craft for Profit: Professional Use of Color

Tight Color Palettes Increase Craft Professionalism

Want to make the most of your crafting so that you can earn the most return on your efforts? Be professional with colors, and you'll see a dramatic impact on your craft business.

Today, we know that color is the best means of drawing attention to any media. Any media; this has some effects on us as crafters that many people don't take into consideration. Media means anything that we use to present information, make sales, and gain customers. It includes the pictures we take, the graphics we use, and the items inside both of those things.

This is a topic that I've written on and held classes about for years, and I am still disappointed to find that while the creativity of crafters knows no bounds when it comes to their art, there are other places where their use of color reduces their sales appeal to a point that it's not even fair to the artist.

More than anything else, this guide will help you decide how to refine your colors for specific items that you craft for sale, for patterns, or other creative endeavors so that from start to finish your customer will identify with your business -- and it's all because you've used color professionally.

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