
Sustainable Gardening: What to Plant, and Where to Plant It

Yes, I still live deep in the Colorado Rockies where even Spring is a light far, far, far away.

That doesn't mean I can't plan.

Whether gardening is your great passion or a form of decoration you'd rather take care of itself, sustainable gardening is a topic you should be interested in. What you plant - and where you plant it - can save the planet.

A featured Yahoo article, this guide will help you determine when it's safe to plant your sproutlings and - much more importantly - introduce you (or give more information on) sustainable gardening. This is a huge topic that you should address now. Right now. Even if there's snow on the ground, you can plan too. If spring is starting to show its signs, definitely get going!

It may sound silly, but the plants you choose can have such a huge impact on not only your living space but your local community and environment in ways that can affect everything for better or worse. Imagine ... a field of squash to feed an entire community. Or the introduction of an invasive species that grows so fast it kills everything in sight, like Kudzu.

The choice is yours - be green, be wise, and help us all make a better future.

Plants native to your region will always be a better, more sustainable choice than trying to force something to grow where it's not suited - and sometimes not wanted - wasting water and sometimes becoming so invasive as to cause damage.

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