
Recommended: DIY Duck Tape Glasses and Art Cases

DIY Duck Tape Upcycle Art Case and Glasses

There may be nothing more fun to just plain play around with, creatively speaking, than duck tape. Of course, the growing number of duck tape patterns aren't helping with the growing hobby obsession, either!

From cute to elegant, there is so much you can do with the sticky stuff. I love how this project, DIY Duck Tape Upcycle Art Case and Glasses, also embodies the idea of cute to elegant. Depending on the colors and patterns you choose, you can really take this from cute (thinking black with a pink polka dot contrast) to elegant (totally thinking of the different damask patterns I've seen) just based on what tape you choose for your project.

Definitely going to be updating this post later on when I've finished the set of cases I'm working on. Trust me - this is cool and way too easy!

images by and copyright to HeatherHardyArt.com
used here for original linked-to article reference 

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